Thursday, April 2, 2020

Narrative Essay Topics in Early Grades

Narrative Essay Topics in Early GradesAs a teacher, you may know that narrative essay topics in the early grades are the toughest. It is possible that your students are having a rough time when it comes to writing. For this reason, your assignment may need to contain more challenge. These assignments should also be more of an example of what should be found in all higher grades.One way to help students improve their writing ability is to show them stories with simple but challenging narratives. Often, this can be found in popular low grades such as 10th graders. At this age, this form of the essay is often called a 'diary'. For many students, it is surprising to find the stories within the diary entries are as difficult as the author's difficulty in writing them.Here is a diary where the protagonist is in the habit of using the bathroom when he or she feels like it and the main character has an ex-boyfriend that is constantly visiting the restroom. In this entry, the protagonist seem s to be having a problem to get out of the door, and there is also a little girl who seems to be being abused by the ex-boyfriend. The author has used a chronological format with his diary entry in this case. Another type of diary which includes story lines may be based around a movie, for example, the main character wants to watch a movie with his sister.Here is another entry, but not a diary, but rather a one page graph, which uses a short list of four items. It can be about how a human figure might fit into the plot of a story, or about a business name which the protagonist has to choose. For this example, the writer also has incorporated rhyming words and other factors to make the entries more interesting.A more difficult type of diary entry is one which has two entries, where the plot is somewhat similar, but both relate to first person experience. This could include a military background in the relationship between a husband and wife.After doing some research on both of these types of entries, the writer must decide which format is easier for each student. The rules for diary entries are very general and based on the understanding of a particular writer. These rules may help the teacher to decide how to format the entries.It is up to the teacher to decide if a student is in a grade level for this form of essay. A good rule of thumb is that the more difficult it is, the later a student can write. This is a personal preference, but it will also give the student a wider range of stories and materials to choose from.The topics in diary entries and other forms of story-type essays are a good way to help students learn how to structure essays. It is possible to have a lot of fun with these types of essays as long as the teacher has the basics down before the students begin writing. The key is to make the student learn through challenges so that they do not become bored with the assignment.

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